Y to Conversions
In terms of power, currents & line voltages, the following sources are the same and may be used interchangably in most cases. Note, the Y connection should be used in a one-line diagram. Wye connected source
Figure 8: A Y Source
VA = Vab / (√3 <30°)
Delta connected source
Figure 9: A Delta Source
Vab = VA √3(<30°)
In terms of power, currents & line voltages, the following sources are the same and may be used interchangably in most cases. Note, the Y connection should be used in a one-line diagram. Wye connected source
Figure 8: A Y Source
VA = Vab / (√3 <30°)
Delta connected source
Figure 9: A Delta Source
Vab = VA √3(<30°)
Similarly, the two loads given below are the same in terms of the resulting power, line currents and line voltages and can usually be substituted as desired. Note that the Y connection is the one needed for the one-line diagram!
Wye connected load
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